Toneman Consulting is owned and operated by Warren Toneman.  Chicago born and L.A. grown. Halfway through my junior year studying fine art at Southern Illinois University I met a guy in an elevator who said he was moving to Hollywood to make movie posters. Thats the day everything changed. 

Immediately following one hell of a graduation party my bags were packed and I was off to the city of angels. After a brief stint bouncing at a bar in Hermosa Beach my career began in house at Warner Bros Pictures cutting my teeth with some of the best in the biz at The Idea Place. The journey continued with The Antfarm, eclipse and Statement Advertising where I was a partner for over a decade.

I’ve had the good fortune of creating key art now for over 25 years. I’m truly passionate about the projects and campaigns I collaborate on, which at this point in my career are well into the hundreds. Simply stated, It’s what I love to do.